Joe Howarth is a Training Specialist with The PATIENTS Program in the Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research (PHSR) at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy (UMSOP.)

Headshot of Thomas Joe HorwathAbout Joe:

Joe Howarth comes from Northwest Indiana by way of Charlotte, NC where he worked as a community engagement liaison and educator at UNC Charlotte. During his time working with Charlotte neighborhoods on community and urban planning issues, he learned the value of listening to the stories and experiences of his neighborhood partners. This listening was invaluable in determining what the neighborhoods want to do and what they wanted to change in their communities. This neighborhood level work led to teaching at the college level in a course called Citizenship and Critical Community Service. This course pushed students to challenge how they think about race, class, and what it means to be a citizen.

“I'm most excited about working with the PATIENTS Program because of their commitment to justice and authentic community partnership,” he says. “As a Training Specialist on the PATIENTS Professors Academy, I feel I can have a role in actually helping people live healthier lives and change how we do health research and provide healthcare.”

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