Michelle Medeiros, MS, MA, CCRP, is the director of research for The PATIENTS Program in the Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research (PHSR) at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.
About Michelle:
In her capacity as director of research, Michelle oversees patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) and related research activities to ensure projects are conducted in accordance with the mission and goals of The PATIENTS Program and its member organizations. Michelle develops new initiatives and research proposals to support the strategic research direction of The PATIENTS Program. She works closely with The PATIENTS Program Core Committee to develop and implement new projects, assisting in identifying promising scientists, institutions, and collaborators for engagement in these efforts.
Michelle received her Master of Science from the Johns Hopkins University in biotechnology and a Master of Arts in applied and professional ethics at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Prior to joining PHSR, Michelle served in leadership roles in the clinical research operations at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s Institute for Global Health & Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. During her time at the UMGCCC, Michelle led the development of the financial console in the clinical trials management system. Michelle has nearly 15 years of experience in clinical research and financial management.
In her spare time, Michelle enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Michelle volunteers as a religious education and Sunday school teacher at her local church. She also helps out at her children’s schools and coaches softball.
Contact Information:
To contact Michelle:
- Email her at mmedeiros@rx.umaryland.edu.
- Visit her LinkedIn profile.