Three PharmD students at UMSOP

Customize your PharmD through the pharmapreneurship pathway

The pharmapreneurship pathway offers an innovation-intensive program of study that aims to provide Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) students the opportunity to expand their professional education and pharmapreneurial spirit. The program is designed to be a challenging experience for the student pharmapreneur.

Designed for a select group of qualified and motivated PharmD students, it offers students the opportunity to pursue special interests in innovation, entrepreneurism, and creativity with a high degree of individual attention and coaching by faculty and external advisors. A priority of the pathway is to build upon existing strengths in areas of motivation, independence, and creative problem solving to develop new research study design, drug discovery, modern analytic methods, business and innovative methods in the broad areas of basic pharmaceutical sciences, clinical/translational research, pharmaceutical health services research, outcomes research, as well as create innovative clinical patient care programs and business solutions in health care.

Students in the pathway will conduct original projects with faculty advisors and mentors, and receive individualized counseling about courses, internships and potential career options. Successful completion of the pathway will allow students seeking various career options to distinguish themselves from their peers, and to compete successfully in the pharmaceutical, pharmacy, clinical and business fields and to develop their skills to possibly start their own businesses.

Pharmapreneurism Pathway Description and Requirements

Learn more about how PharmD students can tailor their education through the pharmapreneurship pathway. 

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