Learn about the activities that all residents and fellows are required to participate in during their tenure at the University of Maryland.

Pharmacotherapy Rounds

Each resident and fellow is required to give a formal presentation to other residents, faculty, staff, and invited guests. The presentation can focus on drug therapy to treat and/or prevent disease or on an innovative pharmacy service. Residents and fellows must successfully deliver their pharmacotherapy rounds presentation in order to complete their program. Trainees are also required to attend a set number of presentations each year.

Professional Development Seminar

On the third Monday of every month, residents and fellows are required to attend professional development seminars. These seminars focus on professional development topics relevant to pharmacy practice. Please visit the Professional Development Series to view presentations scheduled for the current training year.


Residents and fellows are required to participate in teaching activities throughout the year. These activities are designed to develop teaching skills and may vary depending on the program in which an individual is enrolled. Some activities might include lectures, leading small group discussions, assessing Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) students on clinical skills, and serving as a preceptor during experiential rotations.

Basic concepts and teaching skills are first acquired through the University’s required Teaching Excellence Day, which is held every July. Trainees work with faculty as they prepare for teaching activities, and are assessed periodically.

Research Projects

Each resident and fellow is required to complete a comprehensive research project during the year. Assistance with navigating Institutional Review Board (IRB) procedures and developing protocols is provided by faculty and program directors throughout the process. Trainees are required to make presentations to the in September and present their findings, as a poster, at the School of Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science Research Day in April. PGY1 residents are also required to present at the Eastern States Residents Conference. Trainees must prepare a report of their project in publishable format.

Educational Theory and Practice Course (Elective)

Residents who are not interested in the full Teaching Certificate Program may opt for a more limited course of study by participating in the Educational Theory and Practice course only. This online course runs over 13 weeks during Fall semester from mid-August to mid-November. Participants complete an instructional design project, participate in discussion boards and independent assignments, and attend four synchronous online sessions (held in the evening). Residents participating in the course only will not be paired with faculty mentors. Students who successfully complete the course and serve as a teaching assistant for 8 hours in the fall semester and 8 hours in the spring semester will earn the Education Theory and Practice Certificate.

Teaching Certificate Program (Elective)

A Teaching Certificate Program is offered to residents and fellows as an elective opportunity. Residents and fellows who wish to pursue this program must meet the following requirements:

Educational Theory and Practice Course

Trainee will successfully complete the Educational Theory and Practice course at UM SOP. This course runs from mid-August to mid-November.

As an alternative to the Ed Theory and Practice course, the trainee may choose to complete the Instructional Systems Development Graduate Certificate Program at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). If the trainee chooses to complete the ISD Certificate at UMBC, they are responsible for applying to and enrolling in the year-long program and
providing proof of enrollment as well as completion to the UMSOP Academic Coordinator.

Teaching Experiences

(Evaluations are required for each of these activities)


Trainee will develop and deliver a lecture to a student pharmacist, healthcare professional, or community (layperson) audience. The lecture is to be delivered to students in a required or elective course at UMSOP or another academic
institution, or to an audience at your practice site.

Expectations are that the trainee develop learning outcome statements, create all lecture and supporting materials (original creations), and assessment activities. Trainee will reflect on evaluation results and formulate opinions for improvement for the future.

Please work with your mentor and content expert in a timely fashion to assure slides and all supporting materials including assessments are reviewed and completed at least two weeks prior to the teaching activity. Your TCP mentor or a designee should attend your lecture and complete an evaluation.

Small Group Discussion

Trainee will develop and facilitate a small group discussion. This may include a student case-based teaching activity at UMSOP or another academic institution, or case conference or journal club at your practice site.

Expectations are that the trainee develop learning outcome statements, create all small group discussion and supporting materials (original creations), and assessment activities if appropriate.

Please work with your mentor and content expert in a timely fashion to ensure teaching materials including assessments are reviewed and completed at least two weeks prior to the teaching activity. Your TCP mentor or a designee should attend your small group discussion and complete an evaluation.

Pharmaco-therapy Rounds/ Continuing Education Activity

Trainee will present Pharmacotherapy Rounds at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy or Johns Hopkins Hospital, or develop and present a continuing education (CE) activity at your practice site. Your TCP Mentor provides guidance and feedback on the structure and content of the presentation. Your TCP evaluator or a designee should attend your PT
Rounds/CE activity and complete an evaluation. The evaluator can be anyone but typically is someone that has expertise/knowledge in the topic area being presented AND should not be the same person serving as your mentor.

Trainees not already scheduled for Pharmacotherapy Rounds at the time of enrolling in the program should contact the UMSOP Academic Coordinator.

This activity is separate from the lecture developed for a pharmacy student/healthcare professional/community audience (developed at a high-level for a professional audience). 

Precepting a PharmD Student

Precepting a student is best described as the trainee meeting with the student at least 4-5 times during a rotation to review patient cases, discussion topics, etc.; at least enough to put them in a position to evaluate the student’s performance and progress. Trainee’s efforts will be evaluated by TCP mentor,
program director, or designee (generally the preceptor of the student pharmacist), and the student pharmacist (if possible).

SOP PharmD Curriculum Teaching

All trainees participating in the Teaching Certificate Program are required to teach a minimum of 12 hours of faculty-developed learning activities per semester in the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Curriculum.

The TCP lecture, case discussion, Pharmacotherapy Rounds or precepting requirements are NOT part of this 12-hour commitment. If the trainee already has a PharmD curriculum teaching commitment to the SOP, the 12-hour commitment is a maximum (e.g. a trainee with an existing 6-hour commitment to the School must complete an additional 6 hours for a total of 12 hours. While a trainee with an existing 20-hour commitment to the School will not have to teach any additional hours.)

Completion of these teaching activities is required for completion of the TCP. Evaluations of these activities are not required but are encouraged.

Teaching Portfolio

Trainee will develop a teaching portfolio which contains all teaching materials and evaluations from teaching activities. Trainee will submit portfolio to faculty mentor prior to each meeting for review. The teaching portfolio may be electronic (e.g., cloud storage, DropBox, Google Drive) or hard copy and the completed version must be submitted to the faculty mentor by June 25.

Progress Report and Meetings

Trainee will meet with their faculty mentor at least twice during the year, once at the end of each semester, in which the mentor and mentee will complete a written progress report. The fall semester TCP progress report must be completed by December 15. The spring semester progress report must be completed by June 30. Please use the same form for both semesters.

An orientation/introductory meeting in August is also strongly recommended. Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed by the trainee/mentor.


A certificate of achievement will be awarded to trainees who successfully complete all TCP requirements to the satisfaction of the TCP mentor. Trainees will also earn a digital badge which can be displayed electronically (i.e., on LinkedIn).  

Teaching Certificate Program (Resources)